Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter - Thank You

Ezra 2:59 The following came up from the towns of Tel Melah, Tel Harsha, Kerub, Addon and Immer, but they could not show that their families were descended from Israel

Ezra 2:62 These searched for their family records, but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

“God I thank you!” I know we’ve all said that countless times, but why shouldn’t we? Paul encouraged us to “Be thankful” (Col 3:15), besides that, God has been so gracious to us, especially those of us who know that besides God, we have no good thing (Ps 16:2) when you understand that, then you attribute every good thing to God and it is easier to be thankful.

Where am I going with this? Look at the passages above… they had to prove their heritage, but we don’t. Why? Because of the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. We are no longer left out; we are no longer slaves, but children… heirs with Christ (Gal 4:4-7). We have been adopted into the greatest family ever (Eph 1:5), not because we deserve it, but because of the sacrifice of the one who is love personified.

I’m grateful, I’m delighted that though I am not a natural born Israelite, I am more of an Israelite than anyone can imagine, I am of the chosen few, the royal priesthood, not only of THE holy nation, but I am myself a holy nation (1 Pet 2:9). Instead of genealogical proof, the only proof I need is borne from the Spirit within me, who seals my redemption (Eph 1:13) and whose fruit is exhibited by my attitude and words... I am indeed honored! Wouldn’t you be? You should…

I pray that when next we thank God for Salvation, we give him a heartfelt daddy thank you… because even if we all come together at our most sincere to say a resounding thank you daddy, we would still not come close to what He deserves… but thank God, my daddy’s faithfulness, compassion and love is not dependant on our moods, unfaithfulness or actions but on His never changing self.. What an Awesome God we serve…

I love my daddy,

Have a nenerific Easter Celebration

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