Thursday, December 10, 2009

Name It Rightly

In Genesis 2:19, God brought the animals and birds to Adam to name them and whatever he called each living creature that was its name

God still brings things to His children to name. Have a selah moment, think back, what has been brought to you to name these past years (this year specifically) and what names have you called them? Did you give names prayerfully, out of frustration or similarity?
Names are powerful destiny tools. That is why after an encounter with God, He changed some people’s names. Have you also heard these phrases from the bible, “Those that believe in the Name of the Lord”, “For we trust in the Name of the Lord”. This means your name depicts your attributes, your power and you!

We might have named certain situations or seasons in our lives wrongly and are living out the names we gave them and wondering why we are praying with no response. Names don’t change themselves, we change them! God said whatever Adam called each animal stuck! Likewise whatever we call anything sticks, at least for us, but I am assured that the God that gives second chances can help us rename things we have named wrongly that affect us. The only way He can help is through an encounter with Him, or when we seek Him diligently and ask for His help which is an encounter of some sort. People like Abraham, Jacob, Peter and Paul had encounters with God that caused Him to change their names for the best. How about Jabez? God brought him to his mother to name and she named him Jabez ushering him into a world of misery and pain, but he cried out to God and was delivered. If human names can be changed how much more inanimate names

I guess what I’m saying is you don’t want to go into 2010 with dangerous names attached to you, align the names you have given your conditions with the word of God, does it add up? Even if you have no conditions you can still prayerfully name every phase of your life…

We don’t want to carry any baggage into 2010 so deal with them now, rename them to your advantage

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